Scents 4 Snouts

Lavender Tails
Simple Sally's
lavender is blended for stress reduction and nervousness in dogs. Aids in separation anxiety

Sweet Geranium
Simple Sally's
A “natural tick repellent,” this is an all natural alternative to deet-based sprays and other harsh chemical repellents.
Coat Refresher
A sweet blend of orange to energize and refresh coat. Orange produces feelings of happiness and warmth. It also calms nervous digestion problems, stimulates the lymphatic system.
Get all four of our fabulous scents! 1 oz. sprays of Peppermint, Geranium, Lavender and our new scent Orange-u-Clean!
4Paws Pack
Peppermint Simple Sally's
While many of take peppermint tea to soothe our stomachs or make us feel better when we have a cold, the smell of peppermint will actually make you more alert.